The Global League Tournament is an annual professional wrestling round-robin tournament held by Pro Wrestling NOAH, established in 2010.
The Global League Tournament adopts a points system, with two points for a win, one for a time expired draw, and, none for other draw or a loss. The Tournament Matches are held under the GHC Title Match rules as the base rule, having a 30-minute time limit.
In the below results, (C) signifies the GHC Heavyweight Champion at the time of each tournament.
Contents |
The 2010 Global League Tournament was held from March 28 to May 2, through the Spring Navigation 2010 tour. The Tournament featured a block system, with twelve wrestlers divided in two blocks of six. The top finishing wrestlers from each block met in the final.[1]
Block A | Block B | ||
Jun Akiyama | 8 | Yoshihiro Takayama | 7 |
Kensuke Sasaki | 7 | Toshiaki Kawada | 6 |
Takashi Sugiura (C) | 6 | Takeshi Morishima | 5 |
Bison Smith | 4 | Mohammed Yone | 5 |
Takeshi Rikio | 3 | Akitoshi Saito | 4 |
Takuma Sano | 2 | Naomichi Marufuji | 3 |
Block A | Sugiura | Rikio | Smith | Sano | Akiyama | Sasaki |
Sugiura | X | Draw (30:00) |
Sugiura (20:04) |
Sugiura (16:20) |
Akiyama (21:49) |
Draw (30:00) |
Rikio | Draw (30:00) |
X | Rikio (18:47) |
Sano (04:17) |
Akiyama (11:48) |
Sasaki (13:27) |
Smith | Sugiura (20:04) |
Rikio (18:47) |
X | Smith (15:50) |
Akiyama (12:30) |
Smith (14:57) |
Sano | Sugiura (16:20) |
Sano (04:17) |
Smith (15:50) |
X | Akiyama (14:02) |
Sasaki (14:14) |
Akiyama | Akiyama (21:49) |
Akiyama (11:48) |
Akiyama (12:30) |
Akiyama (14:02) |
X | Sasaki (18:19) |
Sasaki | Draw (30:00) |
Sasaki (13:27) |
Smith (14:57) |
Sasaki (14:14) |
Sasaki (18:19) |
X |
Block B | Marufuji | Morishima | Yone | Saito | Takayama | Kawada |
Marufuji | X | Draw (30:00) |
Yone (16:35) |
Saito (13:13) |
Marufuji (15:38) |
Kawada (22:21) |
Morishima | Draw (30:00) |
X | Morishima (12:39) |
Saito (15:38) |
Takayama (14:56) |
Morishima (12:41) |
Yone | Yone (16:35) |
Morishima (12:39) |
X | Yone (12:50) |
Takayama (08:15) |
Draw (30:00) |
Saito | Saito (13:13) |
Saito (15:38) |
Yone (12:50) |
X | Takayama (10:16) |
Kawada (16:13) |
Takayama | Marufuji (15:38) |
Takayama (14:56) |
Takayama (08:15) |
Takayama (10:16) |
X | Draw (30:00) |
Kawada | Kawada (22:21) |
Morishima (12:41) |
Draw (30:00) |
Kawada (16:13) |
Draw (30:00) |
X |
Final | |||
A1 | Jun Akiyama | Pin | |
B1 | Yoshihiro Takayama | 13:38 |
The 2011 Global League Tournament was held from November 3 to November 20, through the Global League 2011 tour. The tournament featured a block system, with eighteen wrestlers divided in two blocks of nine. The top finishing wrestlers from each block met in the final.[2]
Block A | Block B | ||
Takeshi Morishima | 12 | KENTA | 12 |
Go Shiozaki (C) | 11 | Takashi Sugiura | 11 |
Jun Akiyama | 11 | Kensuke Sasaki | 11 |
Yoshihiro Takayama | 10 | Bison Smith | 9 |
Trevor Murdoch | 8 | Mohammad Yone | 7 |
Yoshinobu Kanemaru | 6 | Takuma Sano | 6 |
Yutaka Yoshie | 6 | Akitoshi Saito | 6 |
Kotaro Suzuki | 5 | Shuhei Taniguchi | 6 |
Kento Miyahara | 3 | Bobby Fish | 4 |
Block A | Shiozaki | Takayama | Akiyama | Morishima | Kanemaru | Suzuki | Yoshie | Miyahara | Murdoch |
Shiozaki | X | Takayama (19:19) |
Draw (30:00) |
Morishima (15:30) |
Shiozaki (11:52) |
Shiozaki (15:06) |
Shiozaki (16:01) |
Shiozaki (11:00) |
Shiozaki (15:36) |
Takayama | Takayama (19:19) |
X | Akiyama (15:33) |
Morishima (9:12) |
Takyama (5:03) |
Takayama (5:30) |
Takayama (9:48) |
Takayama (3:07) |
Murdoch (9:04) |
Akiyama | Draw (30:00) |
Akiyama (15:33) |
X | Morishima (12:56) |
Kanemaru (5:14) |
Akiyama (7:20) |
Akiyama (11:19) |
Akiyama (10:04) |
Akiyama (16:40) |
Morishima | Morishima (15:30) |
Morishima (9:12) |
Morishima (12:56) |
X | Morishima (3:57) |
Morishima (8:04) |
Yoshie (12:15) |
Morishima (6:22) |
Murdoch (6:51) |
Kanemaru | Shiozaki (11:52) |
Takayama (5:03) |
Kanemaru (5:14) |
Morishima (3:57) |
X | Draw (30:00) |
Yoshie (3:55) |
Draw (30:00) |
Kanemaru (8:10) |
Suzuki | Shiozaki (15:06) |
Takayama (5:30) |
Akiyama (7:20) |
Morishima (8:04) |
Draw (30:00) |
X | Suzuki (6:49) |
Suzuki (11:46) |
Murdoch (8:24) |
Yoshie | Shiozaki (16:01) |
Takayama (9:48) |
Akiyama (11:19) |
Yoshie (12:15) |
Yoshie (3:55) |
Suzuki (6:49) |
X | Yoshie (9:28) |
Murdoch (7:22) |
Miyahara | Shiozaki (11:00) |
Takayama (3:07) |
Akiyama (10:04) |
Morishima (6:22) |
Draw (30:00) |
Suzuki (11:46) |
Yoshie (9:28) |
X | Miyahara (4:34) |
Murdoch | Shiozaki (15:36) |
Murdoch (9:04) |
Akiyama (16:40) |
Murdoch (6:51) |
Kanemaru (8:10) |
Murdoch (8:24) |
Murdoch (7:22) |
Miyahara (4:34) |
X |
Block B | KENTA | Sugiura | Sano | Saito | Yone | Taniguchi | Sasaki | Smith | Fish |
KENTA | X | Sugiura (2:08) |
KENTA (4:03) |
KENTA (16:12) |
KENTA (15:11) |
KENTA (11:51) |
Sasaki (18:04) |
KENTA (12:18) |
KENTA (9:24) |
Sugiura | Sugiura (2:08) |
X | Sugiura (7:53) |
Saito (16:20) |
Draw (30:00) |
Sugiura (17:33) |
Sugiura (19:05) |
Smith (25:28) |
Sugiura (11:00) |
Sano | KENTA (4:03) |
Sugiura (7:53) |
X | Saito (10:05) |
Sano (11:03) |
Taniguchi (11:59) |
Sano (11:54) |
Smith (10:27) |
Sano (9:12) |
Saito | KENTA (16:12) |
Saito (16:20) |
Saito (10:05) |
X | Saito (5:38) |
Taniguchi (10:44) |
Sasaki (13:09) |
Smith (11:16) |
Fish (7:25) |
Yone | KENTA (15:11) |
Draw (30:00) |
Sano (11:03) |
Saito (5:38) |
X | Yone (11:05) |
Sasaki (4:42) |
Yone (8:25) |
Yone (10:58) |
Taniguchi | KENTA (11:51) |
Sugiura (17:33) |
Taniguchi (11:59) |
Taniguchi (10:44) |
Yone (11:05) |
X | Sasaki (11:27) |
Taniguchi (11:58) |
Fish (11:04) |
Sasaki | Sasaki (18:04) |
Sugiura (19:05) |
Sano (11:54) |
Sasaki (13:09) |
Sasaki (4:42) |
Sasaki (11:27) |
X | Draw (30:00) |
Sasaki (10:10) |
Smith | KENTA (12:18) |
Smith (25:28) |
Smith (10:27) |
Smith (11:16) |
Yone (8:25) |
Taniguchi (11:58) |
Draw (30:00) |
X | Smith (12:07) |
Fish | KENTA (9:24) |
Sugiura (11:00) |
Sano (9:12) |
Fish (7:25) |
Yone (10:58) |
Fish (11:04) |
Sasaki (10:10) |
Smith (12:07) |
X |
Final | |||
A1 | Takeshi Morishima | Pin | |
B1 | KENTA | 16:43 |